
We aim to give you exactly what you want, whether you’re a builder, a developer, an architect or a homeowner; whether you’re building a feature stunner in a large commercial space, an elegant staircase in your own home or fifty townhouses in a residential estate.

I teach the guys that when you finish a staircase, you stand back, take a long look and be proud of what you’ve done. Because you have created a beautiful, functional structure that will serve our customer well.

Laek Gibson

Your Custom Staircase Specialists

Your needs are paramount. We know that every great staircase
begins and ends with the customer.

Need a quote? Select your preferences and our sales team will get back to you with a quote.

Our Values

  • Outstanding Service
  • Affordable Innovation
  • Quality Craftsmanship
  • Reliable Every Time

Our vision is to be known as Australia’s most professional and dependable provider of staircases. We work collaboratively to make the most of design, materials and budget for the best outcome for each project – no matter what the scale.

The Team

Our team is savvy, experienced and dedicated to the craft of building stairs.


Are you friendly, respectful, supportive and dependable? Join our team!

Stair Terminology

Use this guide to familiarise yourself with our stair terminology.

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Quick Quote

Need a quote in a hurry? Use our Quick Quote form to get the process started.

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